Monday, September 29, 2008

The History of Lightsabers

Before we can introduce to each of this formidable weapon, it will be good if we can study its origin. The lightsabers as how we came to know now is not as how we imagined it to be in it's beginning.

Early Design

Star Wars historians have noted that the first Jedi knights have used alloy swords imbued with elements of the Force. This process goes through a ritual called the Jedi Forge. With later developments, the Jedis have managed to fused an advanced off world technology with this forging ritual to form what has been engraved in our mind forever the formation of the lightsaber blade as we see it today. Somehow, laser beam was able to be "frozen" through this new technology, thus resulting later in the designing of the present day lightsaber.

The Power Pack Lightsaber

The Jedi Order studies towards such energy technology was proven a success. This technology has yielded a method in creating a high energy blade by generating a focused beam of energy that arced circumferentially back to its source. A crude prototype was fabricated and used. A flaw in this design was observed. This flaw was the result of the limited technology of that time which can only refrain the power source from a belt mounted power pack. This proves inefficient as the sabers quickly used up the power and easily overheats. Highly unstable, it thus limits the usage to a non-combat role of ceremonial appurtenance to the Jedi apparel, seldom worn, and much less utilized.

Unsatisfied, the Jedi Knights were determined to correct this flaw. Through time, they have managed to tackle the issue. Giving way to a more refined design than it ever was. Highly versatile and more powerful, this new design however still has the power output issue. Even though it has entered into a categorization of a combat fit weapon, a belt worn power packs were still required to provide the energy. This restrain much movement during a face off for the Jedis. Leaving them to limited combat moves and deprived the discovery of the saber throw. This flaw does not prevent it from being classified as a superior weapon in hand-to-hand combat.

Earliest Modern Design

A further development was discovered later through the ages. The belt mounted power packs were later being replaced by a more advanced technology. The introduction of an internal super conductor has allowed the transferring of the
the returning looped energy from the negative-charged flux aperture back into an internal power cell
. The modification has solved the power supply issue by providing the power cell to expend power only when the energy loop was broken.

Lightsabers As A Relic

These fine weaponry somehow became a prized collection after the Great Jedi Purge, finding their ways into the black market. It is only after the rise of
The New Jedi Order that with full past glories, they truly re-entered the scene.

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